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May 2014, the largest election in India’s history and the history of the world took place. 800,000,000 million plus voted throughout India on the country’s parliament and president. BJP, a Hindu political party gained seats in Parliament and the nation’s elected leader Narendra Modi. In the 6 months after the election, Christian persecution has increased.

Uttar Pradesh has over 202 million people but .01% Christian. Madhya Pradesh has over 73 million people but is .03% Christian.

Madhya Pradesh was the last state in India to accept Christian witness.

The few churches that have been built in the past 5-10 years have been attacked by Hindus and Muslims. People that come to Christ in Madhya Pradesh are often beaten by their own families and forced to leave their homes. Churches in Uttar Pradesh have had their windows and walls broken in recent years.

Christian radio stations have increased in the past 10-15 years. The number of languages offered by Christian radio has increased as well. Christian radio stations transmit the gospel to a growing number of listeners every year. Praise God and pray that more may hear his word through this resource.

The Bhil and Gond are the largest tribes of India. These ethnic groups believe in a mixture of Hinduism and Animism. There has been growing Christian outreach and evangelism to them. Some churches are multiplying among them with more coming to Christ each year. Praise God for such growth and pray that the ministries reaching them will bring much fruit and glory to God!

Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh. Tensions between Hindus and Muslims exist. High poverty and slums exist in the area. Many are illiterate. Flooding and disaster are prone to slums. Christian work has started among the poor. Pray for help to the poor to continue. Pray for churches in Madhya Pradesh to use their resources to evangelize and disciple others in this state.
